

makeAssistantTool creates a React component that provides a tool to the assistant. This is useful for defining reusable tools that can be composed into your application.


import { makeAssistantTool, tool } from "@assistant-ui/react";
import { z } from "zod";
// Define the tool using the tool() helper
const submitForm = tool({
  parameters: z.object({
    email: z.string().email(),
    name: z.string(),
  execute: async ({ email, name }) => {
    // Implementation
    return { success: true };
// Create a tool component
const SubmitFormTool = makeAssistantTool(submitForm);
// Use in your component
function Form() {
  return (
      <form>{/* form fields */}</form>
      <SubmitFormTool />

API Reference


  • tool: A tool definition created using the tool() helper function
    • parameters: Zod schema defining the tool's parameters
    • execute: Function that implements the tool's behavior


Returns a React component that:

  • Provides the tool to the assistant when mounted
  • Automatically removes the tool when unmounted
  • Renders nothing in the DOM (returns null)

Example with Multiple Tools

import { makeAssistantTool, tool } from "@assistant-ui/react";
import { z } from "zod";
// Define tools
const validateEmail = tool({
  parameters: z.object({
    email: z.string(),
  execute: ({ email }) => {
    const isValid = email.includes("@");
    return { isValid, reason: isValid ? "Valid email" : "Missing @" };
const sendEmail = tool({
  parameters: z.object({
    to: z.string().email(),
    subject: z.string(),
    body: z.string(),
  execute: async (params) => {
    // Implementation
    return { sent: true };
// Create tool components
const EmailValidator = makeAssistantTool(validateEmail);
const EmailSender = makeAssistantTool(sendEmail);
// Use together
function EmailForm() {
  return (
      <form>{/* form fields */}</form>
      <EmailValidator />
      <EmailSender />

Best Practices

  1. Parameter Validation

    • Always use Zod schemas to define parameters
    • Be specific about parameter types and constraints
    • Add helpful error messages to schema validations
  2. Error Handling

    • Return meaningful error messages
    • Consider returning partial results when possible
    • Handle async errors appropriately
  3. Composition

    • Break complex tools into smaller, focused ones
    • Consider tool dependencies and interactions
    • Use multiple tools together for complex functionality

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