
User Authorization

The assistant-ui API can be directly accessed by your frontend. This elliminates the need for a backend server from your side, except for authorization of your users.

This document explains how you can setup your server to authorize users to access the assistant-ui API.


Authorization is granted to a workspace. Depending on the structure of your app, you might want to use user_ids as the workspace_id, or you might want to use a more complex structure. For example, if your app supports multiple "projects", you might want to use the project_id + user_id as the workspace id (thread history scoped to user+project pairs).

Workspace Auth Tokens

assistant-ui issues workspace auth tokens. These tokens give access to the assistant-ui API for a specific workspace. Tokens are short lived (5 minutes), so the client needs to periodically request a new token (handled by assistant-ui).

There are two supported approaches to obtain a workspace auth token:

  • Direct integration with your auth provider
  • From a backend server / serverless function

Choosing the right approach

Direct integration with your auth provider:

  • simpler to setup and maintain
  • assigns a workspace_id to every user (by using the user_id as the workspace_id)
  • requires a supported auth provider (Clerk, Auth0, Supabase, Firebase, Stytch, Kinde, ...)

Backend server:

  • more complex to setup
  • more flexible workspace structure (multi-user workspaces, workspaces per project, etc.)
  • supports self hosted auth solutions, e.g. Auth.js
  • requires a backend server / serverless function

You can always switch between the two approaches without any downtime or necessary database migrations. Choose direct integration with your auth provider if you can. Otherwise, use a backend server.

Auth Provider Integration

In the dashboard, go to the "Auth Integrations" tab and add a new integration. Follow the steps to add your auth provider.

Then, pass in a function to authToken that returns an ID token from your auth provider. The following is an example for Clerk:

import { AssistantCloud } from "@assistant-ui/cloud";
const assistantCloud = new AssistantCloud({
  authToken: () => clerkClient.sessions.getToken(auth(), "assistant-ui"),

Backend Integration

In the dashboard, go to the "API Keys" tab and add a new API key.

Then, in a backend route, call assistantCloud.auth.getToken({ workspaceId }).

The following is an example to get auth tokens for Clerk based on the org_id and user_id:

import { AssistantCloud } from "@assistant-ui/cloud";
const assistantCloud = new AssistantCloud({
  apiKey: <your api key>,
export const POST = async (req: Request) => {
  const { org_id, user_id } = auth();
  if (!user_id) throw new Error("User not authenticated");
  const workspaceId = org_id ? `${org_id}:${user_id}` : user_id;
  const authToken = assistantCloud.auth.tokens.create({ workspaceId });
  return new Response(token);
import { AssistantCloud } from "@assistant-ui/cloud";
const assistantCloud = new AssistantCloud({
  authToken: () =>
    fetch("/api/assistant-ui-token", { method: "POST" }).then((r) => r.json()),


First, go to the Clerk dashboard and under "Configure" tab, "JWT Templates" section, create a new template. Choose a blank template and name it "assistant-ui".

As the "Claims" field, enter the following:

  "aud": "assistant-ui"

Note: The aud claim ensures that the JWT is only valid for the assistant-ui API.

You can leave everything else as default. Take note of the "Issuer" and "JWKS Endpoint" fields.

Then, In the assistant-cloud dashboard, navigate to the "Auth Rules" tab and create a new rule. Choose "Clerk" and enter the Issuer and JWKS Endpoint from the previous step. As the "Audience" field, enter "assistant-ui".

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