

makeAssistantVisible is a higher-order component (HOC) that makes React components "visible" by the assistant, allowing it to understand and interact with the component's HTML structure.


import { makeAssistantVisible } from "@assistant-ui/react";
const Button = ({ onClick, children }) => (
  <button onClick={onClick}>{children}</button>
// Basic usage - makes component HTML readable
const ReadableButton = makeAssistantVisible(Button);
// With clickable configuration
const ClickableButton = makeAssistantVisible(Button, {
  clickable: true, // Enables the click tool

API Reference


  • Component: The base React component to enhance
  • config: Optional configuration object
    • clickable: When true, enables the assistant to programmatically click the component


The HOC will:

  1. Make the component's HTML structure available to the assistant via the system context
  2. Optionally provide a click tool if clickable is true
  3. Handle nested readable components (only the outermost component's HTML is provided)
  4. Forward refs and maintain component props


// Create a readable form input
const Input = ({ label, ...props }) => (
    <input {...props} />
const ReadableInput = makeAssistantVisible(Input);
// Use in your component
function Form() {
  return (
    <ReadableInput label="Email" type="email" placeholder="Enter your email" />

Technical Details

When a component is made readable:

  • It's wrapped in a ReadableContext.Provider to handle nesting
  • The component's outerHTML is provided as system context
  • If clickable is true, a unique data-click-id is added and a click tool is provided
  • The click tool uses querySelector and simulates a click event
  • All props and refs are properly forwarded to maintain component functionality

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