
External Store Runtime


Use the ExternalStoreRuntime if you want to manage the message state yourself via any react state management library.

This runtime requires a ExternalStoreAdapter<TMessage> handles communication between assistant-uiand your state. Unless you are storing messages as ThreadMessage, you need to define a convertMessage function to convert your messages to ThreadMessage.

import { ,  } from "react";
import {
} from "@assistant-ui/react";
const  = (: ):  => {
  return {
    : .,
    : [{ : "text", : . }],
export function ({
}: <{
  : ;
}>) {
  const [, ] = (false);
  const [, ] = <[]>([]);
  const  = async (: ) => {
    if (.[0]?. !== "text")
      throw new ("Only text messages are supported");
    const  = .[0].;
    (() => [
      { : "user", :  },
    const  = await ();
    (() => [
  const  = ({
  return (
    < ={}>

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